![[Full Color] CS Logo dpi200.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c468a0_82521c7af5554fecbc2033c674329f3d~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_336,h_145,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BFull%20Color%5D%20CS%20Logo%20dpi200.png)

WHO IS IT FOR?This course is targeted to all grade levels and subjects who want to build their capacities in a creative and collaborative approach and who hold an earned bachelor's degree.
WHAT IS THE FORMAT?Our predominantly online approach offers several layers of instruction: Video segments with theory, examples and practical invitations A curated reading packet with connection questions A strategic relationship planning workbook Fun multi-disciplinary projects. There are three required full cohort zoom sessions that encourage peer to peer learning and support. Through the above, you will further develop your classroom as a safe container that invites creativity, intrinsic motivation and collaboration.
COURSE GOALSThe course emphasizes skill building in creative capacities and a strength-based perspective. You will practice methods for class regulation and meeting each student where they are while attending to the classroom as a whole. ​ You will come away with new practices for establishing a mindful, fully present and strength-based approach to classroom management. You will build opportunities to practice the following capacities in your classroom: ​ Generating ideas; Awareness of process; Experimenting, and Understanding multiple perspectives. ​​ Finally, you will finish the course with a SMARTER (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound, Evaluable and Revisable) plan for building relationship and classroom resiliency.​
COURSE OBJECTIVESDevelop an understanding of and ways to implement noticing/ awareness and reflective practices. Name and unpack various creative and collaborative practices and build new ways to engage your students Reflect on your teaching practice through the lenses of courage and artistry. Frame an actionable, joyful and exciting strategic plan for a reflexive relationship with students that is centered on building intrinsic motivation.
Drawn from over 50 years of combined experience, founders Lindsay Pontius and Craig Maravich introduce Courageous Stage’s premier professional development course.
A positive and reinvigorating opportunity for you to dive deep, reflect upon your chosen profession and learn new models and practices to activate your students and your classroom culture.
This is a fully accredited, asynchronous course designed to equip you with strategies for supportive community building and the daily challenges of a classroom. ​
Start date: March 3rd, 2025 (3/3/2025)
Length: 25 days
25-Day asynchronous course.........................................$1,100
25-Day accredited* asynchronous course......................$1,535
*Includes 3 graduate credits awarded by Vermont State University
For additional course information
Courageous Stage Team
For additional registration information
Center for Schools Team
​​​​Week 1: Me and My Class
Readings: Palmer, Packet: Brentro, Muhammed
Assignments: 3 Journal responses over week, reflecting on Circles and Signals
Complete Evaluation, due Sunday
Week 2: Me as Learner
Readings: Palmer, Pontius pamphlet Packet:
Assignments: Discussion, Me as a Learner, due Monday, 2 journal responses on Strength-based Approach.
Project: Dreamscape due Sunday
Week 3: Me and Process
Readings: Packet: Booth, Rilke
Assignments: Reflection on Creative Capacities due Sunday, Evidence of collaborative time with partner via Canvas on “ Letters”
Projects: Begin “Letters” project based on a TED TALK
Week 4: We as Learners
Readings: Packet: Lederach, Brown
Assignments: Reflections on Me as Artist and list of community agreements
Projects:” Letters” completed project and bibliography due on Friday, Relationship Plan Workbook due Sunday.
Weeks 5 & 6: We as a community of learners
Readings: Muhammad
Assignments: Strategic Relationship Plan completed Friday of week 6.​
Required Texts: Booth, Eric. Making Change: Teaching artist and their role in shaping a better world (2023). Betteryet Press.Muhammad, Gholdy. Unearthing Joy: a guide to culturally and historically responsive teaching and learning. (2023) New York: Scholastic.Pontius, Lindsay (2024). Relationships matter: Lessons from a half-ton teacher, Middlebury College.Courageous Stage. Teaching with Courage Packet (2024) with readings fromBrentro, L. (2017), Palmer, P. (2020), Rilke (2017 ed.), Lederach, J.P. (2005), brown, a.m. (2017)​​​​